Tuesday, December 20, 2011

My Audacity Project (Mello Music)

Hey, everybody this is my Audacity assignment where we were asked to mix 5 songs together. The only requirements for the mp3 is that each of the songs have to connect with one word. So if a song ends in word "say" the next song has to start with the word "say." The music I chose is very mellow. I did not feel like using rap for this assignment because I didn't want to have to work around bad language or innapropriate things that would upset my teacher. I love all types of music so I decided to go with some mellow stuff for this assignment=)

Image Citation:
Keyla. "Rasta Sunset by ~AbusedPandaFace23 on DeviantART." AbusedPandaFace23 on DeviantART. Deviant Art, 27 May 2011. Web. 20 Dec. 2011. <http://abusedpandaface23.deviantart.com/art/rasta-sunset-211037890>.

Monday, December 5, 2011

My Flat Classroom Experience

The thing that I enjoyed most about this project was the freedom that we had to work individually on this group project. Most of the time on group projects you have to rely on other group members to get things done, with this project I could have done the entire thing myself if that was what needed to be done. Thankfully, there was at least one other person in my group of "How Digital Communication Tool affects Politics and the Government," that wanted to get this project done and get a good grade on it.

I only really faced one challenge during the project and that was figuring out who was working on what for the project. Pretty much on the first day I was able to complete one of the section by myself with a little bit of research. The rest of the time I was attempting to contact the other people in my group to see what they were planning to do in order to contribute to the project. As for the video, I had one major problem. The girl who signed up for my video didn't send it to me until one week before my video was due. Then, to make it worse I didn't realize she sent me the video until the day I was going to turn it in. When I looked at the video she sent me, it was so bad I wish it was a joke. I could not understand a word she was saying in it and even if I understand her she didn't get the basic point across to the audience that she was a worker at pizza hut. So, I did the only thing I could do to correct this and went over her video and had another girl record her voice as the audio so she could understand it.

The only change that I want to see personally to improve the flatclassroom project is the outsourced video should be judged by the teacher before being submitted to the person requesting the outsourced video. This way no one is stuck with putting a horrible outsourced video into their video that they worked hard on.