Thursday, October 27, 2011

"Big Little Classrooms"

1) I believe that this Keynote is called "Big Little Classrooms" because Hawkssdale was a very small classroom but was connecting to people all over the world, in a sense expanding their classroom through the use of technology.

2) Hawkesdale used skype, elluminate, and many other virtual communication software in order to set up times for the kids to listen to featured speakers talk and connect with students from around the world.

3) Anne Mirtschin set up multiple confrenses with writers, geologist, scientists, and many other educationally prized occupations that her students can learn from and find inspiration through. She teaches her students how to use each of the programs that can connect them with people from around the world giving the students an opprotunity to ask questions to the speakers.

4) I believe that the teacher believes this because the students have the ability to ask the expert speakers questions about what they are talking about. It gives students an opprotunity to have their questions answered immediately when the standant textbooks wont give you an answer.

5) If there was no real-time connection between any group of people no matter where they are at in the world, nothing would get accomplished. Honesly, I believe that this program is super easy because my group has the ability to see what is going on with our project (real-time), and communicate with each other through our discussion boards. On these discussion boards we have the opprotunity to tell our group what we worked on, what needs to be changed, and anything else about the project.

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