Tuesday, August 30, 2011

First Post Ya Digg

My name is Sam Elliott and I am currently a senior at Valley High School. I'm an outgoing kid who is always down with the flow of things. Friends are who I spend most of my time with, but family is always number one. I'm a social kid who always enjoy meeting new people. My favorite color is green. My favorite number is #4. Golf is my life. It's what I am going to college for and is what I am doing all day everyday when I am not kicking it with friends.

Technology that I use on a daily basis include my phone and the internet. Social media websites such as Facebook are what help my friends and I connect through a more public forum. Without facebook it would be difficult for me to stay in touch with long distance friends, such as ones from other countries, and communitcate with multiple people at once. If I was to go without my phone living my life would be a lot more of a challenge. The legistration that banned the use of cell phone use while driving for teenages has already made my social life a little more difficult. So, if I wasn't able to have a phone at all, not just when I'm driving, it would drive make me crazy.